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Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

In August 2022, 1 junior college (cegep), 2 B.Sc., 5 M.Sc., and 7 Ph.D. students, and 2 Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDFs) are engaged in my lab, and perform solution and solid-phase heterocycle, peptide, and mimic synthesis, spectroscopic and computational techniques, and organic, biological, medicinal, and combinatorial chemistry. This outstanding training has enabled graduates to become leaders in academia and industry. 

Present Group Members


Kajumee Bora Bhowal

(Ph.D. 2022/03 -)   


Project :  Anti-parasitic therapy

More about me


Origin: India

Hobbies : Bharatanatyam dance, Crafting, Exploring places and food !

Why Chemistry? It makes me giggle every time by being unpredictable. With time it builds a symbiotic architecture with you - creates itself by recreating your abilities.

Words to whomever is reading this? Compassion is what you will feel and radical thinking is what you will gain here.

Fun fact about me: Do not get convinced without a backup reasoning.


Darince Truong

MSc Student

(2022/05– Present)                Project : N-Amino imidazalones

More about me


Origin: I come from immigrant parents who were born in different places and speak a lot of languages, come ask me if you wanna hear a long story.

Hobbies : Gaming, Music, Chilling, Volunteering and of course, Chemistry!

Why Chemistry? I hate bio, but at the same time, it is really fascinating to understand that everything in life is somehow related to chemistry.

Words to whomever is reading this? C'est des choses qui arrivent... (The real people will know 🙂)

Fun fact about me: I'm always open to learn new stuffs


Yousra Hamdane

(M.Sc. 09/19 – 12/20; Ph.D. 01/21 – )


Project : CD36 Modulators


B-3285 MIL Campus


Nassim Maarouf

(Ph.D. 09/20 – , NSERC Fellow)


Project : Cyclic Amino Dicarboxylates


B-3285 MIL Campus

More about me


Origin : Canada

Hobbies : Sleep  

Words to whomever is reading this ? N'est jamais finie

Fun fact about me : Bad with sarcasm


Xiaozheng Wei

(Ph.D. 01/19 – )


Project : Urotensin receptor modulators


B-3285 MIL Campus

More about me


Origin : China

Hobby : Chemistry

Why chemistry ? Hobby


More about me 


Origin: France

Hobbies : Art, drawing, reading, meditation, hiking

Why Chemistry? The world around us is made up of chemical elements. Chemistry is everywhere. The study and the understanding of this science bring us closer to the beauty of this world

Words to whomever is reading this? Research is tough but it’s worth the effort

Fun fact about me: I look like much younger than I am

Zeynab Imani

(PDF 04/22 – )                       


Project : Cyclic interleukin-1 receptor ligands

(PDF 04/22 - )






Justin Desjardins-Michaud

(Undergraduate student, 2022/5 –, NSERC Scholar)


Project : Beta-amino caprolactams





Origin: Montréal South shore baby

Hobbies : The gym, playing baseball with my son, some video games. 

Why Chemistry? I always liked doing chemical experiment from a young age even tho kids are not suppose to play with fire.

Words to whomever is reading this? Always believe in yourself because nothing is impossible.

Fun fact about me: I would rather like watching esports on tv than watching hockey.


Charity Yongo-Luwawa 

(M.Sc. 09/20 – 09/2020 ; Ph.D. 09/2021 – , FRQNT Fellow)


Project : IL-1R Receptor Modulator


B-3285 MIL Campus

More about me 


Origin : Congo

Hobbies : Piano, guitar, anything else around music, cooking, reading, watching tv shows

Why chemistry ? For me there's a similarity between music and chemistry. Either way, you need to understand the pattern, use your creativity to improve your knowlegde and work patiently to achieve your goals and that's what led me to study organic chemistry.

Words to whomever is reading this ? I think you've come to right place to learn more about organic chemistry and we're nice people :) 

Fun fact about me : I have a contagious laugh ... you'll see!


More about me


Origin: India

Hobbies : Reading, drawing, travelling, puzzles

Why Chemistry? Because it's fun assembling molecules to play among themselves.

Words to whomever is reading this? Hold your breath! You are about to enter the magical labyrinth of Chemistry!

Fun fact about me: Always curious!!

Chitra Sadanandhan

(Ph.D. - 2022/03 – )       


Project : Phosphono-peptides            


(PDF 04/22 - )






Omer N'dri Landry

(M.Sc. 2022/09 – Present )                  


Project : Pyrrolidine synthesis

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